Restrict Facebook Access Unless You Have Notifications in Chrome
Facebook is now an important part of our life. But, most of the time we waste our important time there just because of Facebook addiction. If you think that Facebook is distracting you from doing your important work, you can take the help of this nice Google Chrome extension called Facebook Nanny.
This extension restrict Facebook but still let you communicate with the world on Facebook. This extension only give you one minute foe each notification you received on Facebook. Otherwise, you will get only 15 seconds to access Facebook. You may still send and receive messages and your profile. In this way, you will be able to chat and post a status.
Visit Google Chrome App store and install Facebook Nanny extension in your browser. Once this extension is installed in your chrome, you will only be available to access Facebook only when you get notification.
If you do not have any notifications, then it will restrict your access by turning the page grey and showing a pop up message.
This way is somewhat better than other ways which tries to completely locks you out of the Facebook. If you have notifications, you are allowed to access Facebook, otherwise do your work.
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