
Sunday, 3 February 2013

Collection Of Shortcut Keys For Windows 8.

Hello everyone, As now many of us are using windows 8, today i will provide you collection of windows 8 shortcut keys, which will make windows 8 more easy and userfriendly to you.

Check them out.

1) Windows key : Access the Start screen

2) Windows+D : Access the Desktop.

3) Windows+C : Show the Charms.

4) Windows+Q (or just start typing when you are on the Start menu) : Search

5) Windows+H : Share

6) Windows+K : Start Windows Devices

7) Windows+I : Settings

Tip: When you’re ready to shut down your computer, use Windows+I and then click or tap the Power button, found on the bottom right.

8) Windows+Z : Show the App Bar while in any app.

9) Windows+Tab or Alt+Tab : Cycle through open apps.

10) Zoom in and out : Ctrl+- to zoom out and Ctrl++ to zoom in

11) Windows+period : Snap an app to one side of the screen : .

Tip: You’ll find that many of the traditional shortcuts you’ve always used still exist, such as Windows+L to lock and Windows+P to project to another display.

12) Start Screen : Windows Key

13) Right Shift key : If you press it for eight seconds, it turns on Filter Keys. If you press it five times in a row, it turns on Sticky Keys.

14) Ctrl+mouse wheel : When used on the desktop, it changes the size of your desktop icons. When used on the Start screen, it zooms in and out.

15) Ctrl+A : Select all.

16) Win+C : Open the charms.

17) Ctrl+C : Copy.

18) Win+D : Show the desktop.

19) Alt +D : Select the address bar in Internet Explorer.

20) Ctrl+Alt +D : Enable the Docked mode in the Magnifier tool.

21) Win+E : Open File Explorer.

22) Ctrl+E : Select the search box in File Explorer.

23) Win+F : Show Files in the Search charm.

24) Win+Ctrl+F : Open the Find Computers window, which can find computers on a network (used mostly in business networks).

25) Win+G : Cycle through desktop gadgets.

26) Win+H : Open the Share charm.

27) Win+I : Open the Settings charm.

28) Ctrl+Alt +I : Invert colors in the Magnifier tool.

29) Win+J : Switch the focus between snapped apps and larger apps.

30) Win+K : Open the Devices charm.

31) Win+L : Lock the computer and display the Lock screen.

32) Ctrl+Alt +L : Enable Lens mode in the Magnifier tool.

33) Win+M : Minimize all the windows on the desktop.

34) Ctrl+N : Open a new File Explorer window.

35) Ctrl+Shift +N : Create a new folder in File Explorer.

36) Win+O : Change the Lock screen orientation.

37) Win+P : Open the project options for a second screen.

38) Win+Q : Open the Search charm.

39) Win+R : Open the Run window.

40) Ctrl+R : Refresh.

41) Win+T : Set the focus on the taskbar and cycle through the running desktop apps.

42) Win+U : Launch the Ease of Access Center.

43) Win+V : Cycle through notifications.

44) Win+Shift +V : Cycle through notifications in backward order.

45) Ctrl+V : Paste.

46) Win+W : Open Settings in the search charm.

47) Ctrl+W : Close the current window. It works only in desktop apps.

48) Win+X : Open the hidden system menu.

49) Ctrl+X : Cut.

50) Ctrl+Y : Redo.

51) Win+Z : Opens the app bar. It works only in Windows 8 apps.

52) Ctrl+Z : Undo.

53) Win+keys from 1 to 9 : Display the app at the given position on the taskbar.

54) Win++ (plus sign) : Zoom in while using the Magnifier tool.

55) Win+- (minus sign) : Zoom out while using the Magnifier tool.

56) Win +, (comma) : Peek at the desktop.

57) Win+. (period) : Snap a Windows 8 app to the right.

58) Win+Shift +. (period) : Snap a Windows 8 app to the left.

59) Win+Enter : Launch Narrator.

60) Win+Alt +Enter : Launch Windows Media Center if installed.

61) Alt + Enter : Open the Properties window for the item selected in File Explorer.

62) Space : Select or clear an active check box.

63) Win+Space : Switch the input language and keyboard layout.

64) Alt +Space : Open a shortcut menu in desktop applications.

65) Tab : Move forward through options.

66) Win+Tab : Cycle through Windows 8 app history.

67) Win+Ctrl+Tab+Arrow keys : Cycle through Windows 8 app history in the direction you specify by using the arrow keys.

68) Ctrl+Tab : Cycle through Windows 8 app history (identical to Win+Tab).

69) Alt +Tab : Switch between opened apps (including desktop apps).

70) Shift +Tab : Move backward through options.

71) Ctrl+Alt +Tab+Arrow keys : Switch between opened apps (including desktop apps) in the direction you specify by using the arrow keys.

72) Esc : Cancel.

73) Win+Esc : Exit the Magnifier tool.

74) Ctrl+Esc : Show the Start screen.

75) Ctrl+Shift +Esc : Launch Task Manager.

76) PrtScn : Copy an image of your screen to the Clipboard.

77) Left Alt +Left Shift +PrtScn : Turn on High Contrast.

78) NumLock : Press for five seconds to turn on Toggle Keys.

79) Ctrl+Insert : Copy (alternative to Ctrl+C).

80) Shift +Insert : Paste (alternative to Ctrl+V).

81) Win+Home : Minimize inactive desktop windows.

82) Win+PageUp : Move the Start screen to the left monitor.

83) Win+PageDown : Move the Start screen to the right monitor.

84) Win+Break : Open the System Properties window.

85) Left arrow : Open the previous menu or close the current submenu.

86) Win+Left arrow : Snap the active desktop window to the left.

87) Win+Shift +Left arrow : Snap the active desktop window to the left monitor.

88) Ctrl+Left arrow : Show the previous word or element.

89) Alt +Left arrow : Show the previous folder in File Explorer.

90) Ctrl+Shift +Left arrow : Select a block of text from the current cursor position to the left.

91) Right arrow : Open the next menu or submenu.

92) Win+Right arrow : Snap the active desktop window to the right.

93) Win+Shift +Right arrow : Snap the active desktop window to the right monitor.

94) Ctrl+Right arrow : Show the next word or element.

95) Ctrl+Shift +Right arrow : Select a block of text from the current cursor position to the right.

96) Win+Up arrow : Maximize the active desktop window.

97) Win+Shift +Up arrow : Maximize the active desktop window and keep the current width.

98) Ctrl+Up arrow : Show the previous paragraph.

99) Alt +Up arrow : Advance up one level in File Explorer.

100) Ctrl+Shift +Up arrow : Select a block of text.

101) Win+Down arrow : Minimize the active desktop window.

102) Win+Shift +Down arrow : Minimize the active desktop window and keep the current width.

103) Ctrl+Down arrow : Advance to the next paragraph.

104) Ctrl+Shift +Down arrow : Select a block of text.

105) F1 : Display Help if available.

106) Win+F1 : Launch Windows Help and Support.

107) F2 : Rename the selected item.

108) F3 : Search for a file or folder.

109) F4 : Display items in the active list (works only for desktop apps).

110) Ctrl+F4 : Close the active document.

111) Alt +F4 : Close the active item or app.

112) F5 : Refresh.

So today we just saw very usefull 112 shortcut keys which i believe will help you very much.

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